女皇与征服者 第一季La Reina de Indias y el Conquistador(2020)

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分类:历史  哥伦比亚  2020 

主演:Angel Bayón Maia Landaburu Alejandro Muñoz Mercedes Salazar  

导演:Camilo Villamizar Juan Carlos Vásquez 

Jhonny A. Ortiz



优飞影视为您提供2020年由Angel Bayón Maia Landaburu Alejandro Muñoz Mercedes Salazar Quique Sanmartín Camilo Jimenez Varon Vladimir Bernal Eduardo Hernández Ilenia Antonine Essined Aponte Julieth Arrieta Adelaida Buscato Jairo Camargo Fernando Campo Emmanuel Esparza 克里斯蒂娜·华纳 主演,Camilo Villamizar Juan Carlos Vásquez 导演的《女皇与征服者 第一季》/原名《La Reina de Indias y el Conquistador》/又名《The Queen and the Conqueror》影视在线观看,《女皇与征服者 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《女皇与征服者 第一季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《女皇与征服者 第一季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:This is the story of Catalina, the indigenous woman who gave away her soul, her heart and her life to a conqueror. "The Queen and the Conqueror" rebuilds one of the first love stories that took place in America, between an indigenous woman and a Spaniard. After establishing the city of Cartagena, Pedro de Heredia, motivated by the need to save his brother, betrays Catalina. Heartbroken, she escapes, only to come back 18 years later, as a grown woman. In her soul, her only mission is: revenge. To end Pedro de Heredia's life, the same way that he, after making her fall for him, ended hers.


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