运钞车意外将百万现金遗失在公路旁,码头工人乔伊无意中发现这笔不义之财。 捡到巨款的事渐渐在小镇传开引起轩然大波,而此时警方早已介入调查,并盯上乔伊。 为了躲避警方追捕乔伊和女友开始了逃亡之旅.......When unemployed dockworker Joey Coyle finds $1.2 million that fell off of an armored car, he decides to do the logical thing: take the money and run. After all, he says, finders keepers. He turns to his ex-girlfriend Monica, who works in an investment firm, for advice, before turning to the mob for help laundering the money. While Joey makes plans to leave the country, however, a detective is following his ever-warmer trail in order to recover the cash.